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Volume 22, Number 10—October 2016

Ebola Virus Disease in Children, Sierra Leone, 2014–2015

Felicity FitzgeraldComments to Author , Asad Naveed, Kevin Wing, Musa Gbessay, J.C.G. Ross, Francesco Checchi, Daniel Youkee, Mohammed Boie Jalloh, David E. Baion, Ayeshatu Mustapha, Hawanatu Jah, Sandra Lako, Shefali Oza, Sabah Boufkhed, Reynold Feury, Julia Bielicki, Diana M. Gibb, Nigel Klein, Foday Sahr, and Shunmay Yeung
Author affiliations: Save the Children, London, UK (F. Fitzgerald, J.C.G. Ross, F. Checchi); University College of London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, London (F. Fitzgerald, N. Klein); Save the Children, Freetown, Sierra Leone (A. Naveed, M. Gbessay); London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London (K. Wing, F. Checchi, S. Oza, S. Boufkhed, S. Yeung); Kings Sierra Leone Partnership—Connaught Hospital, Freetown (D. Youkee); Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, Freetown (M.B. Jalloh, F. Sahr); Ola During Children’s Hospital—Sierra Leone Ministry of Health, Freetown (D. Baion, A. Mustapha); Cap Anamur (German Emergency Doctors)—Ola During Children’s Hospital, Freetown (H. Jah); Welbodi Partnership—Ola During Children’s Hospital, Freetown (S. Lako); Western Area Emergency Response Centre, Freetown (R. Feury); St. George’s University of London, London, UK (J.A. Bielicki); MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College of London, London (J.A. Bielicki, D.M. Gibb)

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Table 2

Blood test results for children attending Ebola holding units and Ebola treatment units for whom blood test results were available, Western Area, Sierra Leone, August 2014–March 2015*

Laboratory value (reference) Median value among patients who died Median value among patients who survived p value†
Leukocyte count (4–11), × 109/L 33, n = 7 9.2, n = 22 0.067
Lymphocyte count (1–3.2), × 109/L 6.1, n = 7 2.9, n = 21 0.007
Granulocyte count (2.5–7.5), × 109/L 19.9, n = 7 4.9, n = 22 0.009
Hemoglobin (135–175), g/L 123, n = 7 110, n = 22 0.097
Platelets (150–430), × 10/L 376, n = 7 179, m = 22 0.17
Sodium (128–145), mmol/L 127, n = 10 131, n = 24 0.11
Potassium (3.6–5.1), mmol/L 3.9, n = 7 4.1, n = 23 0.9
Urea (2.5–7.9), mmol/L 16.2, n = 11 4.2, n = 24 <0.001
Creatinine (53–106), mmol/L 120, n = 10 49, n = 24 0.003
Albumin (33–50), g/L 26, n = 11 31, n = 20 0.25
Aspartate transaminase (11–35), U/L 2,000, n = 8 159, n = 17 0.001
Alanine transaminase (10–48), U/L 667, n = 11 131, n = 18 <0.001
Creatine kinase (39–380), U/L 2,544, n = 8 623, n = 18 0.13
C-reactive Protein (0–7.5), mg/L 96, n = 10 8, n = 17 0.007
Viral cycle threshold, range‡ 14.3–35.8, n = 40 17–38.2, n = 42 NA

*n values indicate number of patients in category for whom value was available. NA, not applicable
†Wilcoxon rank-sum test used because of small sample size.
‡Different reference ranges used.

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Page created: September 15, 2016
Page updated: September 15, 2016
Page reviewed: September 15, 2016
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