Volume 22, Number 10—October 2016
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Doxycycline Efficacy for Rectal Lymphogranuloma Venereum in Men Who Have Sex with Men
Table 1
Studies from 2006 to 2015 reporting the efficacy of 100 mg doxycycline twice daily for 21 days for the treatment of rectal LGV in men who have sex with men*
Ref. | Study type | Serovar | No. men tested positive and treated for LGV/no. retested after treatment | No. symptomatic/no. total (%) | No. HIV-positive/no. total (%) | Method for retesting | Time from treatment to retesting | No. negative repeat test results/no. repeat tests (% negative; 95% CI) |
(25) |
L2 |
21/21 |
18/21 (86) |
13/21 (62) |
Cobas Amplicor Analyzer† |
NS |
21/21 (100; 85–100) |
(17) |
PS |
L |
20/17 |
NS |
NS |
Cobas Amplicor Analyzer† |
3 wk |
17/17 (100; 82–100) |
(26) |
RS |
L |
55/19 |
59/63 (94) |
52/63 (82) |
BD ProbeTec ET System‡ |
3 mo |
19/19 (100; 83–100)§ |
(28) |
RS |
L |
70/70¶ |
80/99 (81) |
78/99 (79) |
BD ProbeTec ET System‡ |
<6 mo |
68/69 (99; 92–100)¶ |
(29) |
RS |
L2b |
20/20# |
20/20 (100) |
18/25 (72) |
BD ProbeTec ET System‡ |
3 mo |
19/20 (95; 76–99)# |
(30) |
RS |
L |
80/43 |
71/83 (85) |
69/83 (83) |
APTIMA Combo 2 assay** |
6 wk |
42/43 (97; 88–100)†† |
(27) |
PS |
L2 |
13/13 |
13/13 (100) |
9/13 (69) |
Versant CT/GC DNA 1.0 assay‡‡ |
3 mo |
13/13 (100; 77–100) |
(3) |
PS |
L2, L2b |
53/53§§ |
73/82 (89) |
66/82 (80) |
Abbott RealTime CT/NG assay¶¶, BD ProbeTec ET System‡ |
NS |
51/53 (96; 87–99)§§ |
(31) | PS | L | 28/27 | 28/28 (100) | 27/28 (96) | Real-time multiplex PCR | 3 wk | 27/27 (100; 88–100)## |
*LGV, lymphogranuloma venereum; NS, not specified; PS, prospective; ref., reference; RS, retrospective; RS/PS, retrospective and prospective.
†Roche, Basel, Switzerland.
‡Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems, Sparks, MD, USA.
§S.C. Hill, St. Mary's Hospital, London, UK, pers. comm., 2016 Apr 28.
¶Seventy men treated for rectal LGV underwent repeat testing; 1 had an equivocal result and was excluded from further analyses (S. Pallawela, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading, UK, pers. comm., 2016 Apr 28).
#M. Bissessor, Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, pers. comm., 2016 Apr 1.
**Gen-Probe Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.
††A. Garner, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, Stockport, UK, pers. comm., 2016 May 26.
‡‡Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Terrytown, NY, USA,
§§J.C. Galan, Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, pers. comm., 2016 May 16.
¶¶Abbott Laboratories, Des Plaines, IL, USA
##J.L. Blanco, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, pers. comm., 2016 May 10.
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