Volume 22, Number 3—March 2016
Patient Report and Review of Rapidly Growing Mycobacterial Infection after Cardiac Device Implantation

Figure. Photographs of the cardiac implantable electronic device pocket site for a 60-year-old man in whom infection developed at the implantation site of a cardiac implantable electronic device, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. A) Device pocket site after explantation. The wound was closed with pledged Ethibond sutures (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ, USA), and a Jackson-Pratt drain (closed-suction drainage system consisting of an internal drain connected by plastic tubing to a flexible bulb) was tunneled into the inferior aspect of the pocket. The drain was removed 24 hours postoperatively, and a small incision was left open to heal by secondary intention. B) Device pocket site 6 weeks after suture removal. Most of the incision healed well, with evidence of localized dehiscence (i.e., spontaneous partial separation of the surgical incision along the suture lines).