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Volume 22, Number 4—April 2016

Limited Dissemination of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase– and Plasmid-Encoded AmpC–Producing Escherichia coli from Food and Farm Animals, Sweden

Stefan Börjesson1Comments to Author , Sofia Ny1, Maria Egervärn, Jakob Bergström, Åsa Rosengren, Stina Englund, Sonja Löfmark, and Sara Byfors
Author affiliations: Author affiliations: National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden (S. Börjesson, S. Englund); Public Health Agency of Sweden,; Stockholm, Sweden (S. Ny, J. Bergström, S. Löfmark, S. Byfors); National Food Agency, Uppsala (M. Egervärn, Å. Rosengren)

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Table 1

Characteristics of Escherichia coli isolates from various sources tested for ESBL and pAmpC, Sweden*

Category and source
No. samples
% Positive for ESBL
% Positive for pAmpC
Community carriers 2011–2013 2,134 4.3 0.4 S. Ny et al., unpub. data
Bloodstream infections 2011–2012 387† 92.5 7.5 S. Ny et al., unpub. data
Farm animals
Broilers 2010 100 6.0 28.0 (7,9)
Laying hens 2012 69 4.4 8.7 (14)
Pigs 2011 184 1.6 0 (14)
Calves 2011–2012 729 0.7 0.5 (15)
Domestically produced chicken 2010 100 4.0 40.0 (8)
Domestically produced chicken 2013 59 0 50.8 (14)
Imported chicken (Europe) 2010–2011, 2013‡ 109 19.3 21.1 (10), S. Börjesson et al., unpub. data
Imported chicken (South America) 2010–2011 43 90.7 4.7 (10)
Imported beef (Europe) 2010–2011 136 5.9 0 (10)
Imported beef (South America) 2010–2011 42 0 0 (10)
Domestically produced pork 2011 100 0 0 (14)
Imported pork (Europe) 2010–2011 119 5.9 0.8 (10)
Leafy greens
Sweden 2012–2013 147 0 0 M. Egervärn et al., unpub. data
Imported 2012–2013 375 0.5 0 M. Egervärn et al., unpub. data
Mixed origin 2012–2013 108 0 0 M.Egervärn et al., unpub. data

*ESBL, extended-spectrum β-lactamase; pAmpC, plasmid-encoded AmpC.
†These are not samples, but hospital isolates from bloodstream infections submitted to the Public Health Agency of Sweden and confirmed as producers of ESBL and pAmpC.
‡Only samples from chicken meat from Denmark.

Main Article

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1These authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: March 15, 2016
Page updated: March 15, 2016
Page reviewed: March 15, 2016
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