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Volume 22, Number 6—June 2016

Transmission of Mycobacterium chimaera from Heater–Cooler Units during Cardiac Surgery despite an Ultraclean Air Ventilation System

Rami Sommerstein, Christian Rüegg, Philipp Kohler, Guido V. Bloemberg, Stefan P. Kuster, and Hugo SaxComments to Author 
Author affiliations: University Hospital of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (R. Sommerstein); University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland (R. Sommerstein, C. Rüegg, P. Kohler, S.P. Kuster, H. Sax); University of Zurich, Zurich (G. Bloemberg)

Main Article

Figure 3

Laser particle measurements in cardiac operating room tested for transmission of Mycobacterium chimaera during surgery despite an ultraclean air ventilation system. Shown are measurements over time regarding heater–cooler unit (HCU) operational status (Off/On) and orientation (toward/away) with respect to the operating table. Lines indicate particle size ranges (in micrograms) captured by 6 gates and total particle count of the laser particle counter. Reconfig, time to reconfigure HCU status.

Figure 3. Laser particle measurements in cardiac operating room tested for transmission of Mycobacterium chimaera during surgery despite an ultraclean air ventilation system. Shown are measurements over time regarding heater–cooler unit (HCU) operational status (Off/On) and orientation (toward/away) with respect to the operating table. Lines indicate particle size ranges (in micrograms) captured by 6 gates and total particle count of the laser particle counter. Reconfig, time to reconfigure HCU status.

Main Article

Page created: May 20, 2016
Page updated: May 20, 2016
Page reviewed: May 20, 2016
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