Volume 23, Number 2—February 2017
Livestock Susceptibility to Infection with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus
Figure 4

Figure 4. Presence of MERS-CoV receptor DPP4 (IHC) and of mucosubstances (PAS) in upper and lower respiratory tract tissues from sheep, pigs, llamas, and horses. A) In the nose, DPP4 (red cytoplasmic or membrane staining) was present on the lining epithelium of pigs, llamas, and horses but not sheep. PAS staining (magenta) demonstrated more mucous cells in the lining epithelium of sheep and horses and a layer of mucus on the lining epithelium of the horses. B) DPP4 (red cytoplasmic or membrane staining) was present on the lining epithelium of the trachea, bronchus/bronchioles, and alveoli in the pigs, llamas and horses but not in the sheep. Original magnification ×400 for all images. DPP4, dipeptidyl peptidase-4; IHC, immunohistochemistry; MERS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus; PAS, periodic acid–Schiff; term., terminal.
1These authors contributed equally to this article.