Volume 24, Number 1—January 2018
Research Letter
Visceral Leishmaniasis in Traveler to Guyana Caused by Leishmania siamensis, London, UK

Figure. Consensus distance–based tree generated from the infecting amastigote’s internal transcribed spacer 1 sequence and homologous sequences from other related human Leishmania–infected samples. Posterior bootstrap values are presented as the percentage of trees from 100 pseudorandomly sampled datasets which supported a given node with a value >90%. The sequences for the various terminal nodes, chosen for nearest identity to the derived sequence (EMBL-LT577674) by a BLASTn search are as follows: L. aethiopica, GQ920674, GQ920676, GQ920673; L. tropica, FJ948454, FJ948450, FJ948456; L. mexicana, AJ00313, AF466381; L. donovani, FJ753386, AM901452, AM901453, L. infantum/chagasi GU045592, FN398343, GU045591; L. siamensis (a), EF200012, (b), JX195637, GQ28127, JQ617283, JQ001751, GQ293226, (c), JQ866907, GQ226034. Branch lengths are proportional to the intersequence divergence, calculated by using the Fitch-Margoliash method of measuring pairwise distances derived from the F84 model.