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Volume 24, Number 11—November 2018

Outbreak of Tuberculosis and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis, Mbuji-Mayi Central Prison, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Michel Kaswa KayomoComments to Author , Epco Hasker, Muriel Aloni, Léontine Nkuku, Marcel Kazadi, Thierry Kabengele, Dorcas Muteteke, François Kapita, Alphonse Lufulwabo, Ya Diul Mukadi, Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum, Margareta Ieven, Bouke C. de Jong, and Marleen Boelaert
Author affiliations: Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium (M.K. Kayomo, E. Hasker, B.C. de Jong, M. Boelaert); National Tuberculosis Program, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (M.K. Kayomo, M. Aloni, M. Kazadi, T. Kabengele, D. Muteteke, F. Kapita, A. Lufulwabo); Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale, Kinshasa (M.K. Kayomo, M. Aloni, L. Nkuku, J.-J. Muyembe-Tamfum); Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa (M.K. Kayomo, M. Aloni, J.-J. Muyembe-Tamfum); US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, USA (Y.D. Mukadi); University of Antwerp, Antwerp (M. Ieven)

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Figure 2

Number of new TB cases registered per quarter, Mbuji-Mayi Central Prison, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2008–2015. TB cases include bacteriologically positive and clinically diagnosed TB patients. Clinical diagnosis was based on >1 TB-related sign or symptom, a chest radiograph abnormality consistent with TB infection, or both. During 2008–2014, bacteriologic confirmation was based on microscopic results from sputum samples collected through passive case-finding. Xpert MTB/RIF was introdu

Figure 2. Number of new TB cases registered per quarter, Mbuji-Mayi Central Prison, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2008–2015. TB cases include bacteriologically positive and clinically diagnosed TB patients. Clinical diagnosis was based on >1 TB-related sign or symptom, a chest radiograph abnormality consistent with TB infection, or both. During 2008–2014, bacteriologic confirmation was based on microscopic results from sputum samples collected through passive case-finding. Xpert MTB/RIF was introduced during the last quarter of 2014. Source: Democratic Republic of Congo National TB Program. Q, quarter; TB, tuberculosis.

Main Article

Page created: October 17, 2018
Page updated: October 17, 2018
Page reviewed: October 17, 2018
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