Volume 25, Number 3—March 2019
Historical Review
Tuberculosis Surveillance and Control, Puerto Rico, 1898–2015
Figure 1

Figure 1. Timeline of key TB control events in Puerto Rico (right) and developments in healthcare and politics (left), over 3 periods: 1898–1946, 1947–1992, and 1993–2015. BCG, bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine; CDC, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; DOT, directly observed therapy; La Reforma, Reforma de Salud de Puerto Rico; PAS, para-aminosalicylic acid; NTGS, National TB Genotyping Service; NTSS, National TB Surveillance System; PRDH, Puerto Rico Department of Health; PRERA, Puerto Rico Emergency Relief Administration; RVCT, report of verified case of tuberculosis; TB, tuberculosis; TB GIMS, TB Genotyping Information Management System; TST, tuberculin skin testing; USPHS, United States Public Health Service; Xpert MTB/RIF machine, multidrug/rifampin resistance machine (Cepheid, http://www.cepheid.com).
1These authors were co–principal investigators.