Volume 25, Number 4—April 2019
Cost-effectiveness of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Screening before Immigration to Low-Incidence Countries
Table 3
Cost and QALY estimates and values used for sensitivity analysis of intervention strategies for screening and treatment of latent TB infection in immigrants*
Parameter | Estimate, $ | Range evaluated in PSA | PSA distribution | References |
Costs | ||||
Full INH treatment | 992 | 804–1179 | Triangular, 804–1179 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
Drug costs | 181 | |||
Nurse and clinician costs | 741 | |||
Follow-up chest radiograph | 42 | |||
Routine tests | 28 | |||
Full RIF treatment | 575 | 464–686 | Triangular, 464–686 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
Drug costs | 98 | |||
Nurse and clinician costs | 421 | |||
Follow-up chest radiograph | 42 | |||
Routine tests | 14 | |||
Partial INH | 462 | 174–804 | Triangular, 174–804 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
Partial RIF | 319 | 178–464 | Triangular, 178–464 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
Complete TST | 31 | 24–38 | Triangular, 24–38 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
TST cost | 11 | |||
Nurse costs (2 visits) | 20 | |||
Incomplete TST | 21 | 17–25 | Triangular, 17–25 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
IGRA | 54 | 31–62 | Triangular, 31–62 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
Kit and technician cost | 47 | |||
Nurse costs | 7 | |||
Chest radiograph | 42 | 32–52 | Triangular, 32–52 | BCCDC, (33,36) |
Cost per radiograph | 35 | |||
Nurse costs | 7 | |||
TB | 20,532 | 7141–39,525 | Gamma(4.1064,5,000) | Expert opinion, (33,34) |
LTBI adverse event | 732 | 549–916 | Triangular, 549–916 | (33) |
Hospitalization | 6,641 | 5305–9985 | Triangular, 5,305–9,985 | (30) |
Death |
26,933 |
13,079–40,788 |
Triangular, 13,079–40,788 |
(37) |
QALYs | ||||
LTBI | 0.81 | Assumed | (38) | |
Healthy | 0.81 | 0.58–0.97 | Beta(7.85,1.84) | (38) |
Adverse event disutility | 0.2 | 0.15–0.25 | Triangular, ±25% | (30,33) |
TB | 0.69 | 0.08–0.24† | Beta(9,51) | (38) |
Hospitalization | 0.5 | 0.28–0.51† | Beta(19.5,30.5) | (30) |
Death | 0 | Fixed | Fixed | Standard |
*All costs are in 2016 Can $. BCCDC, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control; IGRA, interferon-gamma release assay; INH, isoniazid; LTBI, latent tuberculosis infection; PSA, probabilistic sensitivity analysis; RIF, rifampin; TB, tuberculosis; TST, tuberculin skin test.
†Sampled as a percent decrement compared to healthy QALY.
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Page created: March 17, 2019
Page updated: March 17, 2019
Page reviewed: March 17, 2019
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