Volume 26, Number 2—February 2020
Ocular Spiroplasma ixodetis in Newborns, France
Figure 2

Figure 2. Neighbor-joining unrooted tree based on bacterial rrs gene sequences from the crystalline lens samples from 3 newborns with cataract and uveitis (case-patient 1), sample 14_00057; case-patient 2, sample 18_00012; case-patient 3, sample 19_00020). The 14_00057 (case-patient 1 and 19_00020 (case-patient 3) sequences differed by 1 nt along the 1,284-bp bacterial rrs gene, and the 18_00012 sequence (case-patient 2) harbored 2 additional nucleotides and differed from 14_00057 by 3 nt and from 19_00020 by 2 nt. At the variation site, the corresponding sequences were _ _ G (14_00057, case-patient 1), T G A (18_00012, case-patient 2), and _ _ A (19_00020, case-patient 3). Thick lines indicate bootstrap values >75% (based on 1,000 replicates). Scale bar indicates the proportion of substitutions per nucleotide position.