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Volume 26, Number 5—May 2020

Epidemiologic and Clinical Progression of Lobomycosis among Kaiabi Indians, Brazil, 1965–2019

Marcos C. FlorianComments to Author , Douglas A. Rodrigues, Sofia B.M. de Mendonça, Arnaldo L. Colombo, and Jane Tomimori
Author affiliations: Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Main Article

Table 1

Follow-up observational epidemiologic data on lobomycosis among Kaiabi Indians, Brazil, 1957–2019*

Year No. reported cases/y Sex, no.
Total cases Estimated population Estimated prevalence of lobomycosis among living Kaiabi population, %
1957 2 2 0 2 ND NA
1966 12 7 5 14 ND NA
1967 9 8 1 23 ND NA
1973 5 4 1 28 180 15.5
1979 22 13 9 50 ND NA
1981 1 1 0 51 400 12.7
1982 3 2 1 54 500 10.8
1986 2 2 0 56 ND NA
1989 1 1 0 57 ND NA
1990–91 2 0 2 59 ND NA
1994 1 1 0 60 ND NA
2019 3 0 3 63 (26 alive) 2,242 1.16

*NA, not applicable; ND, no data.

Main Article

Page created: April 16, 2020
Page updated: April 16, 2020
Page reviewed: April 16, 2020
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