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Volume 26, Number 6—June 2020
Research Letter

Case-Fatality Risk Estimates for COVID-19 Calculated by Using a Lag Time for Fatality

Nick WilsonComments to Author , Amanda Kvalsvig, Lucy Telfar Barnard, and Michael G. Baker
Author affiliations: University of Otago Department of Public Health, Wellington, New Zealand

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Crude and adjusted estimates of case-fatality risk for COVID-19 in 4 populations*

Location Cumulative deaths† Cumulative confirmed cases† Crude CFR, % Adjusted deaths‡ Adjusted cumulative confirmed cases‡ Adjusted CFR, % (95% CI)§
China¶ 3,015 80,565 3.74 2,627 75,569 3.48 (3.35–3.61)
China, excluding Hubei Province# 113 13,099 0.86 104 12,907 0.81 (0.67–0.98)
82 countries, territories, and areas** 27 2,285 1.18 15 354 4.24 (2.58–6.87)
Cruise ship
0.63 (0.25–1.61)
*CFR, case-fatality risk; COVID-19, coronavirus disease.
†Calculated by using data on laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases reported by the World Health Organization on March 5, 2020 (1).
‡Calculated by using cumulative confirmed cases as of February 21, 2020.
§Calculated using OpenEpi v3 ( by using the Score (Wilson) method.
¶Includes Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
#We excluded Hubei Province because COVID-19 appears to have originated in this province and cases might have been missed because of shortages of appropriate diagnostic tests or health system overload.
**Includes 82 countries, territories, and areas outside of China and reporting cases on March 5, 2020; excludes areas with >500 cases (i.e., Italy, Iran, and South Korea) because of the possibility of uncontrolled spread and missed diagnoses in these localities.

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Page created: May 19, 2020
Page updated: May 19, 2020
Page reviewed: May 19, 2020
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