Volume 26, Number 7—July 2020
Meningococcal W135 Disease Vaccination Intent, the Netherlands, 2018–2019
Description of participants in study of invasive meningococcal W135 disease vaccination intent, the Netherlands, 2018–2019*
Participant | No. (%) |
Sex | |
Parents, n = 1,784* | |
F | 991 (55.5) |
M | 793 (44.5) |
Teenagers, n = 1,603* | |
F | 810 (50.5) |
M |
793 (49.5) |
Age, y† | |
Teenagers | |
12 | 111 (6.9) |
13 | 611 (38.1) |
14 | 379 (23.6) |
15 | 175 (10.9) |
16 | 161 (10.0) |
17 |
166 (10.4) |
Education‡ | |
Parents | |
Low | 252 (14.1) |
Intermediate | 1,318 (73.9) |
High | 214 (12.0) |
Teenagers | |
No current education | 8 (0.5) |
Primary school | 12 (0.7) |
Secondary school | 1,406 (87.7) |
Preparing for vocational education | 552 (39.3) |
Preparing for higher education | 809 (57.5) |
Combination | 45 (3.2) |
Vocational education | 129 (8.0) |
Higher education |
48 (0.7) |
Initial target group, born after Apr 2004 through 2005 | |
Parents | 1,177 (66.0) |
Teenagers |
1,010 (63.0) |
Extended target group, cohorts born 2001 through Apr 2004 | |
Parents | 607 (34.0) |
Teenagers | 593 (37.0) |
*Total parent–teenager pairs = 1,318 (73.9% of parents, 82.2% of teenagers).
†Parents’ age range 31–73 y; mean (± SD) age 46.5 (5.5) y.
‡Categorizations based on (34)..
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1These authors contributed equally to this article.
Page created: April 30, 2020
Page updated: June 19, 2020
Page reviewed: June 19, 2020
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