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Volume 26, Number 9—September 2020

Updated Estimates of Chronic Conditions Affecting Risk for Complications from Coronavirus Disease, United States

Mary L. AdamsComments to Author , David L. Katz, and Joseph Grandpre
Author affiliations: On Target Health Data LLC, Suffield, Connecticut, USA (M.L. Adams); True Health Initiative, Derby, Connecticut, USA (D.L. Katz); Wyoming Department of Health, Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA; (J. Grandpre)

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Table 2

Comparison of number of adults at risk for 2 studies of chronic conditions affecting risk for complications from coronavirus disease, United States*

State Previous results
Updated results
No. adults at risk % Total No. adults at risk % Total
AL 1,997,864 1.78 2,252,938 1.53
AK 237,208 0.21 291,023 0.23
AZ 2,351,799 2.10 2,655,251 2.13
AR 1,181,105 1.06 1,325,336 0.91
CA 12,240,142 10.93 13,490,767 11.97
CO 1,701,776 1.52 1,876,647 1.76
CT 1,239,597 1.11 1,329,957 1.1
DE 357,530 0.32 389,066 0.29
DC 213,357 0.19 233,818 0.23
FL 7,696,749 6.88 8,296,062 6.44
GA 3,541,358 3.16 3,974,293 3.09
HI 486,156 0.43 543,222 0.46
ID 534,533 0.48 631,470 0.53
IL 4,404,556 3.93 5,243,320 4.11
IN 2,428,188 2.17 2,790,038 2.08
IA 1,067,133 0.95 1,287,375 0.98
KS 983,323 0.88 1,124,218 0.86
KY 1,789,444 1.60 1,963,497 1.39
LA 1,806,330 1.61 1,996,887 1.44
ME 530,809 0.47 594,575 0.45
MD 2,054,758 1.84 2,323,720 1.83
MA 2,302,809 2.06 2,511,936 2.15
MI 3,749,235 3.35 4,175,950 3.13
MN 1,625,778 1.45 1,882,783 1.68
MS 1,150,036 1.03 1,306,805 0.92
MO 2,137,650 1.91 2,466,200 1.9
MT 356,113 0.32 387,405 0.34
NE 616,905 0.55 743,149 0.59
NV 1,048,591 0.94 1,167,736 0.93
NH 485,340 0.43 522,567 0.43
NJ 3,106,880 2.78 3,265,515 2.64
NM 701,585 0.63 804,730 0.64
NY 6,419,321 5.73 7,093,023 6.13
NC 3,713,582 3.32 4,186,911 3.15
ND 243,096 0.22 298,972 0.24
OH 4,268,748 3.81 4,881,408 3.66
OK 1,461,941 1.31 1,665,703 1.18
OR 1,418,689 1.27 1,573,562 1.28
PA 4,738,414 4.23 5,340,392 4.15
RI 393,069 0.35 426,186 0.33
SC 1,912,134 1.71 2,189,219 1.58
SD 281,110 0.25 333,818 0.27
TN 2,610,800 2.33 2,863,321 2.09
TX 8,977,387 8.02 10,449,000 8.24
UT 796,721 0.71 915,321 0.86
VT 226,397 0.20 246,641 0.20
VA 2,921,171 2.61 3,295,289 2.63
WA 2,464,452 2.20 2,711,697 2.25
WV 827,193 0.74 907,986 0.59
WI 1,949,872 1.74 2,269,999 1.82
WY 194,544 0.17 220,916 0.18
Total 111,943,278 100 125,717,620 100

*Previous results were based on mortality data from China (1), and underlying conditions include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, hypertension, or cancer other than skin. Updated results are based on US hospitalization data (2), and obesity is substituted for cancer as an underlying condition.

Main Article

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Page created: June 18, 2020
Page updated: August 19, 2020
Page reviewed: August 19, 2020
The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.