Volume 27, Number 1—January 2021
Territorywide Study of Early Coronavirus Disease Outbreak, Hong Kong, China
Figure 1

Figure 1. Demographics of coronavirus disease patients, Hong Kong, February 2020. Rectangular boxes indicate men or boys and stadium-shaped boxes indicate women or girls. Travel history within the 14-day incubation period before symptom onset is highlighted in cyan for local case without travel history, pink for travel history to Wuhan <14 days from symptom onset, orange for travel history to other regions in mainland China, and green for travel history to regions outside mainland China. Contact histories are highlighted by red lines for family contacts and green lines for nonfamily contacts. Case numbers are those used by the Centre of Health Protection, Department of Health, Hong Kong (6). Within each cluster, cases of primary infection (leftmost column) are arranged from top to bottom in order of the date (DD/MM) of symptom onset. SSE, superspreading event.
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