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Volume 27, Number 11—November 2021
Research Letter

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Wild Red Foxes, the Netherlands, 2021

Jolianne M. RijksComments to Author , Hanna Hesselink, Pim Lollinga, Renee Wesselman, Pier Prins, Eefke Weesendorp, Marc Engelsma, Rene Heutink, Frank Harders, Marja Kik, Harry Rozendaal, Hans van den Kerkhof, and Nancy Beerens
Author affiliations: Dutch Wildlife Health Centre, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands (J.M. Rijks, H. Hesselink, M. Kik); Stichting Faunavisie Wildlife Care, Westernieland, the Netherlands (P. Lollinga); Stichting Faunavisie Wildlife Care, Blijham, the Netherlands (R. Wesselman); Dierenkliniek Winsum, Winsum, the Netherlands (P. Prins); Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, Lelystad, the Netherlands (E. Weesendorp, M. Engelsma, R. Heutink, F. Harders, N. Beerens); Dutch Food and Consumer Products Safety Authority, Utrecht (H. Rozendaal); Coordination Centre for Communicable Disease Control, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands (H. van den Kerkhof)

Main Article


Results of diagnostic tests of avian influenza viruses detected in 2 red fox (Vulpes vulpes) cubs, the Netherlands, 2021*

Red fox Pooled samples of brain M-PCR1 Ct value M-PCR2 Ct value H5-PCR Ct value
Cub 1 Ammon’s horn and medulla oblongata 21.27 21.46 23.35
Cub 1 Cerebellum and cerebrum 19.31 20.79 21.65
Cub 2 Ammon’s horn and medulla oblongata 25.72 25.92 26.44
Cub 2 Cerebellum and cerebrum 20.09 21.58 23.47

*Ct, cycle threshold; H5-PCR, subtype-specific PCR on the H5 gene; M-PCR1, PCR on the matrix gene of influenza A, repetition 1; M-PCR2, PCR on the matrix gene of influenza A, repetition 2

Main Article

Page created: September 30, 2021
Page updated: October 19, 2021
Page reviewed: October 19, 2021
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