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Volume 27, Number 4—April 2021

Analysis of Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic Transmission in SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak, Germany, 2020

Jennifer K. Bender1Comments to Author , Michael Brandl1, Michael Höhle, Udo Buchholz, and Nadine Zeitlmann
Author affiliations: Robert Koch Institute, Wernigerode, Germany (J.K. Bender); European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm, Sweden (J.K. Bender, M. Brandl); Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany (M. Brandl, M. Höhle, U. Buchholz, N. Zeitlmann); Stockholm University, Stockholm (M. Höhle); Federal Institute for Quality Assurance and Transparency in Healthcare, Berlin (M. Höhle)

Main Article

Table 1

Demographics of coronavirus disease case-patients and their contacts in a district in southern Germany*

Case type No. (%) asymptomatic No. (%) symptomatic
Phase not specified or both† Presymptomatic phase only Symptomatic phase only
Total 7 (13.2) 46 (86.8) NA NA 53 (100)
Female 3 (11.5) 23 (88.5) NA NA 26 (100)
Male 4 (14.8) 23 (85.2) NA NA 27 (100)
Median age
36 (IQR 6–68)
40 (IQR 29–50)
39.5 (IQR 29–50)‡
Contact persons by type of exposure
HC 7 (16.7) 35 (83.3) NA NA 42 (100)
OC 52 (24.5) 48 (22.6) 81 (38.2) 31 (14.6) 212 (100)

*HC, household contact; IQR, interquartile range; NA, not applicable; OC, nonhousehold or other contact.
†The phase in which the contact occurred was not specified, or contact occurred in both phases.
‡Three of 53 cases were children <15 y of age.

Main Article

1These first authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: February 18, 2021
Page updated: March 18, 2021
Page reviewed: March 18, 2021
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