Volume 27, Number 5—May 2021
Research Letter
Upper Respiratory Infections in Schools and Childcare Centers Reopening after COVID-19 Dismissals, Hong Kong

Figure. Respiratory illness outbreaks in primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, childcare centers, and nursery schools in Hong Kong. A) Weekly number of outbreaks of upper respiratory tract infection in schools reported during October 25–November 28, 2020, overlaid on the epidemic curve of daily COVID-19 case numbers in Hong Kong, by date of reporting. B) Weekly numbers of outbreaks of upper respiratory tract infection in schools during weeks 44–48 of 2020 and school outbreaks involving >20 persons reported during 2017–2020. Lines indicate detection rates of rhinovirus/enterovirus and other viruses in respiratory specimens collected for laboratory surveillance. C) Weekly numbers of outbreaks of influenza-like illness and influenza in schools reported during 2017–2020. Dotted line indicates detection of influenza virus in respiratory specimens collected for laboratory surveillance. Durations of territorywide regular school breaks (summer holiday) during 2017–2019 and school dismissals implemented in response to COVID-19 in 2020 are shaded in blue. ILI, influenza-like-illness; URTI, upper respiratory tract infection; KG/CCC, kindergartens, child-care centers, and nursery schools; K2, kindergarten year 2 (4–5 years of age); P1–P3, primary school years 1–3 (6–9 years of age)