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Volume 27, Number 7—July 2021

Transboundary Spread of Brucella canis through Import of Infected Dogs, the Netherlands, November 2016–December 2018

Marloes A.M. van Dijk, Marc Y. Engelsma, Vanessa X.N. Visser, Ingrid Keur, Marjolijn E. Holtslag, Nicole Willems, Björn P. Meij, Peter T.J. Willemsen, Jaap A. Wagenaar, Hendrik I.J. Roest1, and Els M. Broens1Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: Utrecht University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht, the Netherlands (M.A.M. van Dijk, N. Willems, B.P. Meij, J.A. Wagenaar,, E.M. Broens); Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, Lelystad, the Netherlands (M.Y. Engelsma, M.E. Holtslag, P.T.J. Willemsen, J.A. Wagenaar, H.I.J. Roest); Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Utrecht (V.X.N. Visser, I. Keur); Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Hague, the Netherlands (H.I.J. Roest)

Main Article

Table 1

Overview of Brucella canis notifications and tracking investigations, the Netherlands, November 2016–December 2018*

Notification no. Notifyingparty Reason for notification Clinical diagnosis or complaint Serologic results (NRL) Tracking investigation
Case ID
Litter (positive/tested/ identified), littermates Contact dogs (positive/tested/identified)
1 VMDC B. canis positive culture Discospondylitis >1:400 NA 0/1/1 1
2 VMDC Clinical complaint Epididymitis ˂1:50 NA NA
3 VMDC Clinical complaint Discospondylitis >1:400 Litter 1 (2/2/2), 2 littermates NA 2, 3–4
4 VP Clinical complaint Discospondylitis >1:400 Litter 2 (5/5/8), 5 littermates NA 5, 6–10
5 NRL Seropositive Discospondylitis 1:200 NA 0/3/5 11
6 VP Clinical complaint Discospondylitis 1:100 NA NA
7 NRL Seropositive Discospondylitis >1:400 NA 1 (inconclusive)/2/3 12
8 NRL Seropositive Neck pain 1:100 NA NA
9 NRL Seropositive Back pain >1:400 Litter 3 (1/1/1), 1 littermate 0/0/2 13, 14
10 NRL Seropositive Behavioral problem >1:400 NA 0/0/2 15
11 NRL Seropositive Discospondylitis >1:400 NA NA 16
12 VP Clinical complaint Lameness ˂1:50 NA NA
13 VMDC B. canis positive culture Lameness >1:400 NA NA 17
14 VP Clinical complaint Lameness ˂1:50 NA NA
15 VP Clinical complaint Epididymitis ˂1:50 NA NA
16 NRL Seropositive Discospondylitis >1:400 NA NA 18

*ID, identification; NA, not applicable; NRL, National Reference Laboratory; VMDC, Veterinary Microbiological Diagnostic Center, Utrecht University; VP, veterinary practitioner.

Main Article

1These senior authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: May 17, 2021
Page updated: June 16, 2021
Page reviewed: June 16, 2021
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