Volume 27, Number 9—September 2021
Disseminated Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and Alcohol Misuse, Northeast Brazil, 2015–2018

Figure. Lesions of patients with disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis, Baturité region, Ceará State, Northeast Brazil, 2015–2018. Patient numbers match those given in [[ANCHOR###T1###Table 1###Anchor]]. A) Ulcerated, acneiform, and papular lesions on the back of patient 1. B) Ulcerated lesions on the genitalia of patient 2. C–D) Crusted and crusted-horny lesions on the face of patient 3. E) Papular, crusted, and ulcerated lesions on the trunk of patient 3. F) Crusted, ulcerated, and papular lesions on the back of patient 6. G) Ulcer surrounded by zosteriform and papular lesions on the back of patient 11. H) Papular, crusted, and ulcerated lesions on the face as well as an ulcerated and crusted-horny lesion on the superior right eyelid of patient 12.