Aubrey Brown, Leilani Schwarcz, Catherine R. Counts, Leslie M. Barnard, Betty Y. Yang, Jamie M. Emert, Andrew Latimer, Christopher Drucker, John Lynch, Peter J. Kudenchuk, Michael R. Sayre, and Thomas Rea
Figure 1. Examples of classification of EMS provider person-days at risk within 2–14 d after COVID-19 patient encounters, King County, Washington, February 16–July 31, 2020. The boxes correspond to the number of person-days an emergency medical services provider contributes to each mutually exclusive risk group. The first row (provider A) demonstrates a COVID-19 patient encounter without an AGP. The provider is classified at risk for COVID-19 transmission because of a patient treated without AGP within 2–14 d after encounter. After the incubation window ends, the EMS provider transitions back to person-days classification of COVID-19 patient outside the incubation period (cohort 3). The second row (provider B) demonstrates classification of person-days from COVID-19 patient without AGP and then with AGP. Person-days transitions from COVID-19 patient encounter without AGP (cohort 2) to patient encounter with AGP (cohort 1). The example illustrates the classification hierarchy that classified the patient into the AGP incubation period when a provider had overlap of person-days following distinct encounters caring for COVID-19 patients without an AGP and then with an AGP. After the incubation window, the EMS provider will transition back to person-days classification of COVID-19 patient outside the incubation period (group 3). AGP, aerosol-generating procedure; COVID-19, coronavirus disease; EMS, emergency medical service.