Volume 28, Number 1—January 2022
Serotype Replacement after Introduction of 10-Valent and 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines in 10 Countries, Europe
Table 1
PCV program uptake and history in 13 SpIDnet sites according to national and ECDC reports, Europe, 2011–2018*
Site | Introduction of childhood PCV7 | Introduction of PCV10 or PCV13 and schedule | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | Vaccination of persons >65 y in 2018 (uptake on all, 2015–2018) | No PCV7 y included |
CZ | Not universal, recommended and used in 2009 | Universal PCV10 and PCV13 in 2010 (≈equal shares), 3+1 doses | 81% | 80% | 77% | 74% | 71% | 68% | 67% | 64% | PCV13 (low) + PPV23 | 1 |
DK | 2007, universal | Universal PCV13 in 2010, 2+1 doses | 89% | 90% | 91% | 91% | 91% | 94% | 96% | 96% | PCV13 (6%) + PPV23 (11%) | 3 |
EN | 2006, universal | Universal PCV13 in 2010, 2+1 doses | 94% | 94% | 94% | 94% | 94% | 94% | 93% | 93% | PPV23 (70%) | 3 |
FI | Not introduced | Universal PCV10 in 2010, 2+1 doses | 90% | 94% | 94% | 95% | 96% | 96% | 96% | 94% | Groups at risk: PCV13 (12%) + PPV23 (2%) | 0† |
FR | 2003 for children at risk, 2006 for all <2 y | Universal PCV13 in 2010, 2+1 doses | 94% | 94% | 95% | 94% | 95% | 96% | 95% | 98% | Groups at risk: PCV13 (4%) + PPV23 (7%) | 6 |
IE | 2008, universal | Universal PCV13 in 2010, 2+1 doses | 90% | 93% | 93% | 92% | 93% | 91% | 90% | 93% | PPV23 (36%), PCV13 in groups at risk | 2 |
NL | 2006, universal | Universal PCV10 in 2011, 2+1 doses | 95% | 95% | 95% | 94% | 94% | 94% | 93% | 93% | Groups at risk: PPV23 (PPV23 for all in 2020) | 5 |
NO | 2006, universal | Universal PCV13 in 2011, 2+1 doses | 93% | 93% | 93% | 93% | 93% | 94% | 92% | 93% | PPV23 (15%) | 5 |
SC | 2006, universal | Universal PCV13 in 2010, 2+1 doses | 94% | 95% | 96% | 96% | 95% | 95% | 95% | 95% | PPV23 (68%) | 3 |
SE | 2009, universal | Universal PCV10 and PCV13 in 2010 (≈equal shares), 2+1 doses | 98% | 98% | 97% | 97% | 97% | 97% | 97% | 97% | Groups at risk: PPV23 | 1 |
CAT | 2001 for groups at high risk and recommended for all‡ | PCV13 recommended since 2010, universal since 2016, 3+1 doses§ | ≈50% | ≈50% | ≈50% | ≈50% | 73% | 73% | 82% | 93% | PPV23 (60%) | 4 |
MAD | 2006, universal | Universal PCV13 in 2010, interrupted in 2012–2014, 2+1 doses | 100% | 92% | 77% | 77% | 99% | 99% | 92% | 96% | PCV13¶ (since 2018, 9%) + PPV23 (71%) | 3 |
NAV | 2001 for groups at high risk and recommended for all‡ | PCV13 recommended since 2010, universal since 2016, 3+1 doses§ | 70% | 73% | 75% | 78% | 81% | 88% | 88% | 81% | PPV23 (57%) | 5 |
*Green denotes universal PCV10 and PCV13; dark blue denotes universal PCV13; light blue denotes PCV13 recommended (not universal); orange denotes universal PCV10. CAT, Catalonia; CZ, Czech Republic; DK, Denmark; ECDC, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; EN, England; FI, Finland; FR, France; IE, Ireland; MAD, Madrid; NAV, Navarra; NL, the Netherlands; NOR, Norway; PCV, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PCV7, 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PCV10, 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PCV13, 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine; PPV23, 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; SC, Scotland; SE, Sweden; SpIDnet, Streptococcus pneumoniae Invasive Disease network. †Because PCV7 was not used, the years 2005–2008 have been used as pre-PCV10/PCV13 years. ‡Recommended by pediatricians and not funded; uptake ≈50%. §PCV13 used almost exclusively; the PCV10 uptake in children <2 years of age was minimal (<1% in NAV and <5% in CAT). ¶PCV13 recommended in 2016 and 2017 for those 60 years of age, and since 2018 for all persons >60 years of age.
1Members of the SpIDnet group who contributed are listed at the end of this article.