Volume 28, Supplement—December 2022
CDC’s COVID-19 International Vaccine Implementation and Evaluation Program and Lessons from Earlier Vaccine Introductions
Table 1
CDC priority technical areas to support global COVID-19 vaccine implementation through the COVID-19 International Vaccine Implementation and Evaluation (CIVIE) program
Technical area | Examples of CDC-supported activities |
Vaccine policy development | Assist with data review to inform prioritization and planning for vaccination of risk groups |
Support and strengthen national-level decision making and National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups via trainings and workshops |
Program planning | Support microplanning for populations targeted for vaccination |
Help design logistical and distribution plans for different vaccination scenarios or products |
Vaccine confidence and demand | Develop and provide standard tools for country-level adaptation to collect data on behavioral and social barriers to vaccine uptake |
Provide support to assess and manage the effect of infodemics* on vaccine confidence and uptake | |
Provide messaging and communications technical assistance, materials, and tools |
Data management and use |
Provide technical assistance to rapidly assess, develop, implement, and monitor data management systems and tools used for COVID-19 vaccine introduction and safety monitoring |
Workforce development | Conduct rapid performance assessments to understand workforce-related barriers and facilitators to delivering COVID-19 vaccine |
Provide evidence-based tools and techniques for improving supervision |
Vaccine safety | Strengthen passive or enhanced surveillance for adverse events following immunization |
Use active surveillance or special studies to address key questions on COVID-19 vaccine safety | |
Ensure preparedness to respond to safety events through vaccine-related event response planning |
Evaluation | Support post-introduction evaluations using standard WHO tools |
Conduct targeted evaluations of vaccine effectiveness to address key global evidence gaps |
*Infodemic, “overabundance of information during a disease outbreak” (17).
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Page created: May 27, 2022
Page updated: December 11, 2022
Page reviewed: December 11, 2022
The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.