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Volume 29, Number 10—October 2023
Policy Review

Managing Risk for Congenital Syphilis, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Hannah MacKenzie, Suzanne P. McEvoyComments to Author , and Timothy J. Ford
Author affiliations: Western Australia Department of Health, Perth, Western Australia, Australia (H. MacKenzie, S.P. McEvoy); Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control, Perth (S.P. McEvoy); Perth Children’s Hospital, Perth (T.J. Ford); University of Western Australia, Perth (T.J. Ford)

Main Article

Figure 2

Number of infectious syphilis cases among pregnant women, persons experiencing homelessness, persons of CALD backgrounds, Indigenous Australians, and women of reproductive age, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2016–2021. Categories are not mutually exclusive (e.g., a person may fall into >1 category). Data obtained from the Western Australian Notifiable Infectious Diseases Database, Department of Health Western Australia (January 2022) and the Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control Syphilis Register, Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control (January 2022). CALD, culturally and linguistically diverse (persons born in a country other than Australia and who speak a non-English language at home).

Figure 2. Number of infectious syphilis cases among pregnant women, persons experiencing homelessness, persons of CALD backgrounds, Indigenous Australians, and women of reproductive age, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2016–2021. Categories are not mutually exclusive (e.g., a person may fall into >1 category). Data obtained from the Western Australian Notifiable Infectious Diseases Database, Department of Health Western Australia (January 2022) and the Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control Syphilis Register, Metropolitan Communicable Disease Control (January 2022). CALD, culturally and linguistically diverse (persons born in a country other than Australia and who speak a non-English language at home).

Main Article

Page created: August 03, 2023
Page updated: September 20, 2023
Page reviewed: September 20, 2023
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