Volume 29, Number 2—February 2023
Estimated Cases Averted by COVID-19 Digital Exposure Notification, Pennsylvania, USA, November 8, 2020–January 2, 2021
Figure 1

Figure 1. Estimated number of cases averted per 1,000 COVID-19 digital notifications, Pennsylvania, USA, November 8, 2020–January 2, 2021. Estimates show selected scenarios of isolation or quarantine compliance and the digital notification application’s ability to identify previously unknown contacts. Data from Philadelphia County are excluded. The figure represents a scenario in which 80% of interviewed cases and monitored contacts comply with isolation and quarantine guidance. We also modeled 60% and 100% compliance scenarios (Appendix Tables 4, 5). At just 10% compliance among notified contacts, digital notifications averted 7 cases/1,000 notifications (or 2 cases); at 50% compliance among notified contacts, digital notifications averted 69 cases/1,000 notifications (or 16 cases). CICT, case investigation and contact tracing.