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Volume 30, Number 1—January 2024

Genomic Diversity and Zoonotic Potential of Brucella neotomae

Gilles VergnaudComments to Author , Michel S. Zygmunt, Roland T. Ashford, Adrian M. Whatmore, and Axel Cloeckaert
Author affiliations: Université Paris-Saclay, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (G. Vergnaud); Institut National de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et de l’Environnement, Unité Mixte de Recherche Infectiologie et Santé Publique, Université de Tours, Nouzilly, France (M.S. Zygmunt, A. Cloeckaert); Animal and Plant Health Agency, Weybridge, UK (R.T. Ashford, A.M. Whatmore)

Main Article

Figure 2

Rooted Brucella neotomae phylogeny of 16 selected datasets. Maximum parsimony tree was derived from wgSNP data; 205 SNPs in tree, tree size 207 substitutions (homoplasy 1%). Branch lengths >1 substitution are indicated. Circles are colored according to primary strain identity; red indicates the 3 datasets from Costa Rica. Circles are labeled with an accession number or collection strain identifier (Brucella Culture Collection Nouzilly [BCCN] or Animal and Plant Health Agency [APHA] Weybridge collections). Primary strain identifier is indicated in brackets when available. ENA, European Nucleotide Archive; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism; wgSNP, whole-genome SNP.

Figure 2. Rooted Brucella neotomae phylogeny of 16 selected datasets. Maximum parsimony tree was derived from wgSNP data; 205 SNPs in tree, tree size 207 substitutions (homoplasy 1%). Branch lengths >1 substitution are indicated. Circles are colored according to primary strain identity; red indicates the 3 datasets from Costa Rica. Circles are labeled with an accession number or collection strain identifier (Brucella Culture Collection Nouzilly [BCCN] or Animal and Plant Health Agency [APHA] Weybridge collections). Primary strain identifier is indicated in brackets when available. ENA, European Nucleotide Archive; SNP, single-nucleotide polymorphism; wgSNP, whole-genome SNP.

Main Article

Page created: November 16, 2023
Page updated: December 20, 2023
Page reviewed: December 20, 2023
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