Volume 30, Number 5—May 2024
Coccidioidomycosis-Related Hospital Visits, Texas, USA, 2016–2021
Figure 3

Figure 3. Annual prevalence of inpatient and outpatient hospital visits in study of coccidioidomycosis-related hospital visits, Texas, USA, 2016–2021. Codes from the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification, were used for diagnoses and included codes B38, B38.0, B38.1, B38.2, B38.3, B38.4, B38.7, B38.8, B38.81, B38.89, and B38.9. Prevalence, defined as the number of Valley fever cases per 100,000 inpatient and outpatient hospital visits for any cause, is indicated statewide by geographic region for each year. Estimated Valley fever–endemic region is a 96-county area of Texas determined by using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Valley fever maps (5) spatially overlaid on a Texas county map. Any county that fell within the estimated area was designated as a Valley fever region.
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