Volume 31, Number 1—January 2025
Systematic Review of Avian Influenza Virus Infection and Outcomes during Pregnancy
Summary of included studies*
Reference | Study design | Country of origin | Sample size | Virus strain | Diagnostic method | Population | Outcomes |
(18) | RSCS | China, Egypt, Indonesia |
23 | H7N9 |
10 pregnant women, mean age 28 y (range 20–35 y); GA at time of infection: trimester 1 (n = 3), trimester 2 (n = 4), trimester 3 (n = 3) |
9 maternal and 8 in utero fetal deaths. One infant born prematurely at 33 weeks GA to a mother who later died. The woman who survived was at 9-weeks GA at time of infection and her infant survived. |
H5N1 |
13 pregnant women, mean age 24.8 y (range 20–35); GA at time of infection: trimester 1 (n = 1), trimester 2 (n = 7), trimester 3 (n = 2), unknown GA (n = 5) |
13 maternal and 12 in utero fetal deaths. Delivery of 1 infant via emergency caesarean section at 36 weeks GA before maternal death; infant was LBW (2.3 kg), was not infected, and survived. |
(19) |
Case report |
Vietnam |
1 |
A(H5N1) clade 1.1 |
PCR and genome sequencing of tracheal aspirate (maternal); throat swabs, serum (neonate) |
26 years of age, 36 weeks GA; worked slaughtering poultry |
Maternal death, newborn survived. Premature birth with LBW and early onset pneumonia. Infant recovered by day 16 of life. PCR and serum specimens for H5N1 negative. |
(20) |
Case report |
China |
1 |
A(H5N1) |
PCR and genome sequencing of tracheal aspirate |
Age unknown, 16 weeks GA, who slaughtered sick poultry |
Maternal and in utero fetal death |
(21) |
Case report |
China |
1 |
A(H5N1) |
Age and gestation unknown, had contact with poultry. |
Maternal and in utero fetal death |
(22) |
Case report |
China |
1 |
A(H5N6) |
PCR of throat swab, sputum |
40 years of age, 35 weeks GA; contact with poultry unknown |
Maternal survival; live birth of premature infant, 35 weeks GA. No infant infection |
(23) |
Case report |
China |
1 |
A(H7N9) |
29 years of age, 27 weeks GA; contact with poultry unknown |
Maternal and in utero fetal death |
(24) |
Case report |
China |
1 |
A(H7N9) |
PCR of tracheal aspirate |
28 years of age, 26 weeks GA; contact with poultry unknown |
Maternal and in utero fetal death |
(25) | Case report | China | 1 | A(H7N9) | Unknown | 25 years of age, 17 weeks GA; visited live animal market 2 weeks before illness | Maternal survival; infant born at 35 weeks GA, 2 mo after maternal hospital discharge |
*All the adult population described in the table are pregnant women. GA, gestational age; LBW, low birthweight; RSCS, retrospective cohort study.
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Page created: December 02, 2024
Page updated: December 19, 2024
Page reviewed: December 19, 2024
The conclusions, findings, and opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors' affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.