Volume 7, Number 2—April 2001
4th Decennial International Conference on Nosocomial and Healthcare-Associated Infections
Prevention is Primary
"Cloud" Health-Care Workers
Table 2
Hospital group A streptococcal outbreaks suggesting airborne transmission by asymptomatic health-care workers
Reference | Health-care worker | Source of GASa,b | Patient population | Infected patients (no.) |
McKee (14,15) | Attendant | Rectum | Gynecologic | 11 |
Schaffner (16) | Anesthesiologist | Rectum | Surgical | 20 |
Berkelman (17) | OR nurse | Vagina | Surgical | 10 |
Mastro (18) | OR technician | Scalp | Surgical | 20 |
aGAS air cultures were all positive
bGAS = Group A Streptococcus, OR = operating room
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Page created: May 10, 2011
Page updated: May 10, 2011
Page reviewed: May 10, 2011
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