Volume 8, Number 10—October 2002
Bioterrorism-related Anthrax
Bioterrorism-related Anthrax
Inhalational Anthrax Outbreak among Postal Workers, Washington, D.C., 2001
Figure 2

Figure 2. Comparing the time period that the case-patients were at the Washington, D.C., Postal Processing and Distribution Center (solid black bars) to the time period that the two envelopes containing B. anthracis spores were processed at the facility (gray bars = known location, gray hatched bars = unknown location) on October 12, 2001. The time that the high-speed sorting machine (delivery bar-code sort number 17) was cleaned, by blowing compressed air into the machine, is denoted by the gray striped area.
1 Tracy B. Agerton , Mary-Kate Appicelli, Paul M. Arguin, Robert F. Benson, Lilah Besser, Richard Besser, George Carlone, Gerald Curtis, Megan Davies, Marvin DeBerry Jr., Catherine Dentinger, Peter Dull, Cindy Friedman, Cindy Hamlin, Leigh Ann Hawley, John Horan, Leta O. Helsel, Tami Hilger, Patricia Holder, Vincent Hsu, Debby Hurlburt, Dennis Kim, Scott E. Johnson, Molly Kellum, Han Li, Mark Long, Susan Lukacs, Trudy Messmer, Elizabeth Mothershed, Janet Pruckler, Daniel S. Schmidt, Stephanie Schwartz, Theresa Smith, Karen Stamey, Evelene Steward-Clark, Eyasu Teshale, Lanier L. Thacker, Tim Uyeki, and Dana White.