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Volume 8, Number 6—June 2002

Cluster of African Trypanosomiasis in Travelers to Tanzanian National Parks

Tomas Jelinek*Comments to Author , Zeno Bisoffi†, Lucio Bonazzi, Pieter van Thiel§, Ulf Bronner¶, Albie de Frey#, Svein Gunnar Gundersen**, Paul McWhinney††, Diego Ripamont‡‡, and for European Network on Imported Infectious Disease Surveillance
Author affiliations: *Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany; †S. Cuore Hospital, Negrar, Verona, Italy; ‡Reggio Emilia Hospital, Reggio, Italy; §University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; ¶Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; #Worldwide Travel Medical Consultants, Northcliff, South Africa; **Ullevaal Hospital, Oslo, Norway; ††Bradford Royal Infirmary, Bradford, United Kingdom; ‡‡General Hospital, Bergamo, Italy;

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Patients with African trypanosomiasis, Tanzania

No. Sex Age Nationality Mo/yr of
diagnosis Clinical details and treatment Travel historya
1 M 33 Italian 02/01 Skin lesion (back), fever, nausea/vomiting; no major complications; treatment with suramin Tourist: Kenya; Lake Manyara, Serengeti, and Ngorongoro NPs
2 M 32 Italian 02/01 Skin lesion left leg; fever; multiorgan failure; anuria; treatment with pentamidine Tourist: East Tsavo, Ngorongoro, and Serengeti NPs
3 F 44 British 02/01 Skin lesion left leg; fever; no major complications; treatment with suramin Tourist: Nairobi, Amboseli, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro, and Serengeti NPs
4 M 41 Swedish 03/01 Skin lesion right foot; fever; treatment with suramin Tourist: Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro, Tarangire, and Serengeti NPs
5 M 68 South African 03/01 Fever; renal failure; acidosis; jaundice; DIC; treatment with melasoprol Tourist: Serengeti NP
6 F 27 Norwegian 03/01 Skin lesion left side of face; fever; no complications; treatment with suramin Research project on zebras: Ngorongoro and Serengeti NPs
7 M 60 Dutch 03/01 Fever; treatment with suramin Tarangire NP
8 F 55 Dutch 04/01 Skin lesion left ankle; fever; headache; treatment with suramin Tarangire NP
9 F 53 Dutch 06/01 Skin lesion right leg; fever; headache; intracerebral manifestation; coma; death; treatment with suramin and melasoprol Lake Manyara, Ngorongo, and Serengeti NPs

aEast Tsavo NP and Amboseli NP are in Kenya; all other NPs mentioned are in Tanzania.
NP, national park; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.

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Page created: July 16, 2010
Page updated: July 16, 2010
Page reviewed: July 16, 2010
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