Volume 8, Number 8—August 2002
Outbreak of Serogroup W135 Meningococcal Disease after the Hajj Pilgrimage, Europe, 2000
Figure 2

Figure 2. Cases of W135 invasive meningococcal disease by week of hospital admission, March 1–July 2000: a. Europe (90 cases), b. the United Kingdom (42 cases), and c. France (24 cases).
1F. Carion and O. Ronveaux, Institut de Santé Publique, Brussels, Belgium; P. Nuorti, H. Kayhty, and N. Nguyen Tran Minh, Kansanterveyslaitos Folkhälsoinstitutet, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland; T. Breuer, U. Menzel, and V. Bremer, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany; J. Kool, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, Bilthoven, the Netherlands; L. Spanjaard, Netherlands Reference Laboratory for Bacterial Meningitis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; M. Arneborn and H. Götz, Smittskyddinstitutet, Stockholm, Sweden; P.Olcen, National Meningitidis Reference Laboratory, Örebro, Sweden; M. Ramsay, N. Noah, and E. Kaczmarski, Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS), London, United Kingdom; J. Stuart, PHLS, Gloucester, United Kingdom; D. Levy-Bruhl, M.D. Matsika-Claquin, and J.C. Desenclos, Institut National de Veille Sanitaire, St-Maurice, France; M.K. Taha, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France; B. Iversen and D. Caugant, Folkehelsa, Oslo, Norway.