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Volume 9, Number 11—November 2003

Fluoroquinolone Susceptibility of Campylobacter Strains, Senegal

Eric Cardinale*Comments to Author , Jacques-Albert Dromigny†, Fatou Tall*, Maguatte Ndiaye*, Mamady Konte*, and Jean David Perrier-Gros-Claude†
Author affiliations: *ISRA-LNERV, Dakar, Sénégal; †Institut Pasteur, Dakar, Sénégal

Main Article


Distribution of ciprofloxacin MICs for 85 Campylobacter coli and 120 C. jejuni isolates from broiler carcasses in Senegal

Ciprofloxacin MIC (μg/mL) C. coli:
No. of strains C. jejuni:
No. of strains
0.032–0.063 26 34
0.064–0.124 23 27
0.125–0.249 5 18
0.250–0.4 0 1
0.5–0.99 0 1
1.00–1.99 0 0
2.00–3.99 0 0
4.00–7.99 4 5
8.00–15.99 4 2
16.00–32.00 1 1
Total 85 120

Main Article

Page created: April 20, 2012
Page updated: April 20, 2012
Page reviewed: April 20, 2012
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