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Volume 9, Number 11—November 2003

Dengue-1 Virus Isolation during First Dengue Fever Outbreak on Easter Island, Chile

Cecilia Perret*Comments to Author , Katia Abarca*, Jimena Ovalle*, Pablo Ferrer*, Paula Godoy*, Andrea Olea†, Ximena Aguilera†, and Marcela Ferrés*
Author affiliations: *Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile School of Medicine, Virology Laboratory, Santiago, Chile; †Ministry of Health, Santiago, Chile

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Figure 2

Visualization of reverse transcription–nested polymerase chain reaction product from 15 cultures of supernatant. DENV-1 positive samples are indicated by a 482-bp band. A) Lanes 1–5: positive culture supernatants. Lanes 6–7: negative culture supernatants. Lane 8: positive culture supernatant. Lane 9: positive DENV-1 control. Lane 10: positive DENV-2 control. Lane 11: positive DENV-3 control. Lane 12: positive DENV-4 control. Lane 13: 100-bp DNA ladder. B) Lanes 1–7: positive culture supernatants

Figure 2. Visualization of reverse transcription–nested polymerase chain reaction product from 15 cultures of supernatant. DENV-1 positive samples are indicated by a 482-bp band. A) Lanes 1–5: positive culture supernatants. Lanes 6–7: negative culture supernatants. Lane 8: positive culture supernatant. Lane 9: positive DENV-1 control. Lane 10: positive DENV-2 control. Lane 11: positive DENV-3 control. Lane 12: positive DENV-4 control. Lane 13: 100-bp DNA ladder. B) Lanes 1–7: positive culture supernatants. Lane 8: negative control. Lane 9: 100-bp DNA ladder. Lane 10: positive DENV-1 control. Lane 11: positive DENV-2 control. Lane 12: positive DENV-3 control. Lane 13: positive DENV-4 control.

Main Article

Page created: January 20, 2011
Page updated: January 20, 2011
Page reviewed: January 20, 2011
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