Volume 9, Number 2—February 2003
Elimination of Epidemic Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from a University Hospital and District Institutions, Finland
Yearly number of new cases caused by different methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, Southwest Finland Medical District, 1991–2000
Year | Strains |
Surgical outbreaka | Medical outbreakb | Mynamaki outbreakc | MRSA outbreak IVd | MRSA outbreak Ve | Other outbreaks | Familial MRSAf | Solitary MRSA | Total | |
1991 |
11 |
2 |
13 |
1992 |
19 |
56 |
2g |
1 |
78 |
1993 |
1 |
1 |
13 |
4 |
2h |
2 |
4 |
27 |
1994 |
3 |
2 |
5 |
1995 |
4 |
3 |
7 |
1996 |
2 |
7 |
9 |
1997 |
2 |
6 |
8 |
1998 |
2g |
17 |
19 |
1999 |
2g |
2 |
10 |
14 |
2000 |
5 |
2g |
4 |
11 |
22 |
Total | 37 | 57 | 13 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 13 | 63 | 202 |
aStrain was recovered from 24 patients at the university hospital,10 patients at a regional hospital, and 3 staff members in these hospitals.
bStrain was recovered from 30 patients and 18 staff members at the university hospital and from 9 patients in other district institutions.
cStrain was recovered from 12 patients and 1 staff member in a health-center ward and associated nursing home (7).
dStrain caused a cluster of four cases in an intensive-care unit of a central hospital.
eStrain caused a cluster of four infected patients and one infected staff member in a health-center ward at the beginning of 2000, but was subsequently eliminated.
fIntrafamilial clusters of two to four MRSA cases in the community.
gMRSA strain was transmitted from one patient to another at the university hospital.
hMRSA strain was transmitted from one patient to another at a regional hospital.
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