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Volume 9, Number 5—May 2003

Global Illness and Deaths Caused by Rotavirus Disease in Children

Umesh D. Parashar*Comments to Author , Erik G. Hummelman*, Joseph S. Bresee*, Mark A. Miller†, and Roger I. Glass*
Author affiliations: *Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; †Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA

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Table 3

Annual incidence of hospitalizations for rotavirus gastroenteritis in children <5 years of age in selected industrialized countries

Country (reference) Y Annual incidence/per 100,000 children Cumulative incidence by 5 y of age
Spain (11) 1989–1995 250 1 in 80
Netherlands (12) 1998 270 1 in 74
United States (13) 1993–1995 274 1 in 73
Poland (14) 1996 310 1 in 65
Sweden (15) 1993–1996 370a 1 in 54
United Kingdom (16) 1993–1994 520 1 in 38
Finland (17) 1985–1995 610 1 in 33
Australia (18) 1993–1996 750 1 in 27
Hungary (19) 1993–1996 840a 1 in 24
Australia (20) 1991–1993 870 1 in 23

aIncidence for children <4 years of age.

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Page created: December 08, 2010
Page updated: December 08, 2010
Page reviewed: December 08, 2010
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