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Volume 11, Number 2—February 2005

Novel Flavivirus or New Lineage of West Nile Virus, Central Europe

Tamás Bakonyi*†, Zdenek Hubálek‡, Ivo Rudolf‡, and Norbert Nowotny*§Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: *University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria; †Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary; ‡Institute of Vertebrate Biology ASCR, Brno, Czech Republic; §United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Main Article

Figure 1

Phylogenetic tree illustrating the genetic relationship between selected West Nile virus strains based on their complete genome sequences. Bar on the left demonstrates the genetic distance. (Abbreviations and accession numbers are listed in Table 2.)

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree illustrating the genetic relationship between selected West Nile virus strains based on their complete genome sequences. Bar on the left demonstrates the genetic distance. (Abbreviations and accession numbers are listed in Table 2.)

Main Article

Page created: April 28, 2011
Page updated: April 28, 2011
Page reviewed: April 28, 2011
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