Volume 13, Number 12—December 2007
Invasive Group A Streptococcal Infection in Older Adults in Long-term Care Facilities and the Community, United States, 1998–20031
Table 3
Clinical syndromes among persons >65 y with invasive group A streptococcal infection, by residence and overall CFR, ABCs areas, 1998–2003*
Clinical syndrome | No. LTCF case-patients (%), N = 383 | No. community-based case-patients (%), N = 1,279 | p value | Overall CFR, % |
Bacteremia without focus | 145 (37.9) | 406 (31.7) | <0.05 | 25.1 |
Pneumonia† | 97 (25.3) | 225 (17.6) | <0.01 | 34.0 |
Cellulitis† | 121 (31.6) | 498 (38.9) | <0.01 | 16.3 |
Septic arthritis† | 20 (5.2) | 90 (7.0) | 0.21 | 11.8 |
Osteomyelitis† | 7 (1.8) | 26 (2.0) | 0.80 | 6.1 |
STSS | 15 (3.9) | 82 (6.4) | 0.07 | 55.7 |
Necrotizing fasciitis | 15 (3.9) | 80 (6.3) | 0.08 | 36.6 |
Abscess†‡ | 8 (2.3) | 47 (3.9) | 0.15 | 14.5 |
*CFR, case-fatality ratio; ABCs, Active Bacterial Core surveillance; LTCF, long-term care facility; STSS, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Case-patients with missing responses for residence type, outcome, or clinical syndrome were excluded from analysis. Data for case-patients could be categorized under >1 syndrome except for case-patients identified as having bacteremia without a focus.
†Occurring in conjunction with isolation of group A streptococcal infection from a sterile site (e.g., blood culture).
‡Data not available for all years. Denominators: LTCF 349; community 1,205.
1Presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, September 30–October 3, 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.