Figure. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree constructed from VP7 nucleotide sequences of G9 genotype rotavirus isolates. Taxa included are the 22 sequences from the current study and 65 sequences obtained from GenBank that represent global G9 rotavirus diversity. Taxa labels indicate isolate name followed by the country and year of collection. Country abbreviations: AU, Australia; BA, Bangladesh; BE, Belgium; BR, Brazil; CH, China; EC, Ecuador; IN, India; JA, Japan; MW, Malawi; PY, Paraguay; SA, Republic of South Africa; TH, Thailand; US, United States. GenBank accession nos. for the diversity isolates: SP2737VP7 (AB091752), MG9-06 (AY307085), Melb-G9.21 (AY307090), Melb-G9.12 (AY307088), EM41 (AJ491170), DL73 (AJ491165), Se121 (AJ491192), CC117 (AJ491153), In826 (AJ491173), At694 (AJ491159), 95H115 (AB045373), Ph158 (AJ491183), BD524 (AJ250543), INL1 (AJ250277), US1205 (AF060487), US1212 (AJ250272), MW47 (AJ250544), 50001DB (AF529864), N23 (AJ491177), BP7 (AJ491161), R146 (AF274970), DV38 (AJ491168), NE413 (AJ491178), EM39 (AJ491169), R136 (AF438228), Om526 (AJ491182), R44 (AF438227), R160 (AF274971), MC345 (D38055), T203 (AY003871), K1 (AB045374), SP1904VP7 (AB091754), Om46 (AJ491181), Om67 (AJ491179), AU32 (AB045372), 116E (L14072), WI61 (AB180969), Ush1575 (AF323711), LP1550 (AF323717), Py00471 (DQ015691), Py00473 (DQ015692), Py00477 (DQ015693). The 22 Belgian isolates were selected from the GenBank PopSet AY487853–AY487895. Bootstrap values >70 are shown on internal branches. The tree was rooted with the VP7 sequence of a G3 genotype rotavirus (AY740736).