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Volume 14, Number 10—October 2008

Deaths from Norovirus among the Elderly, England and Wales

John P. HarrisComments to Author , W. John Edmunds, Richard G. Pebody, David W. Brown, and Ben A. Lopman
Author affiliations: Health Protection Agency, London, UK;

Main Article

Table 3

Estimated number of deaths in each season (July to June) from the regression models, England and Wales, 2001–2006

Year Predicted annual deaths, no. (95% confidence interval)
Infectious intestinal disease only Noninfectious intestinal disease only Infectious and noninfectious intestinal disease
2001–02 22.2 (14.7–29.7) 21.9 (12.7–31.2) 44.3 (32.4–56.2)
2002–03 59.5 (39.4–79.5 ) 58.8 (34.0–83.7) 118.9 (86.9–150.8)
2003–04 18.4(12.2–24.6) 18.2 (10.5–25.9) 36.8 (26.9–46.7)
2004–05 51.4(34.1–68.8) 50.9 (29.4–72.4) 102.8 (75.2–130.5)
51.3 (29.6–72.9)
103.6 (75.7–131.4)
203.3 (134.6–272.0)
201.2 (116.1–286.2)
406.5 (297.2–515.7)
Annual mean 40.7 40.2 81.3

Main Article

Page created: July 13, 2010
Page updated: July 13, 2010
Page reviewed: July 13, 2010
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