Volume 14, Number 12—December 2008
Novel Borna Virus in Psittacine Birds with Proventricular Dilatation Disease
Figure 1
![Conservation of genome organization, regulatory sequences, and protein domains of Borna disease virus (BDV) in novel strains from parrots 1034, 1322, and 1367. N, nucleoprotein; P, phosphoprotein; X, X protein; M, matrix protein; G, glycoprotein; L, L-polymerase protein. Genome regions not yet sequenced in the novel strains are shaded. P-bind, binding site for P on X; NLS, nuclear localization signals of X and P; PKC, protein kinase C epsilon phosphorylation sites in P; CK II, casein kinase phosphorylation sites in P; SIG, signal peptide; Furin, furin cleavage site; TM, transmembrane anchor of G; A – D, conserved RNA-dependent RNA polymerase motifs. Conserved sites/residues with respect to BDV strain V are shown in black; divergent sites/residues are indicated in red; K32 in P NLS-1 is divergent only in 1034/1322, K35 in NLS-1 and K183 in NLS-2 are divergent only in 1367. S2 and S3, start sites of transcription units 2 and 3, respectively, showing the conserved GAA initiation triplet; T1, T2, and T3, transcription termination sites showing the conserved TA6 consensus sequence; (t6) indicates a nonconserved TA6 sequence found in some BDV isolates. Blue bars indicate the 6 clusters represented by contigs obtained through pyrosequencing. Consensus splice site sequences corresponding to established introns I and II in genes for M and G of BDV strain V are aligned to corresponding sequences of the novel strains.](/eid/images/08-0984-F1.jpg)
Figure 1. Conservation of genome organization, regulatory sequences, and protein domains of Borna disease virus (BDV) in novel strains from parrots 1034, 1322, and 1367. N, nucleoprotein; P, phosphoprotein; X, X protein; M, matrix protein; G, glycoprotein; L, L-polymerase protein. Genome regions not yet sequenced in the novel strains are shaded. P-bind, binding site for P on X; NLS, nuclear localization signals of X and P; PKC, protein kinase C epsilon phosphorylation sites in P; CK II, casein kinase phosphorylation sites in P; SIG, signal peptide; Furin, furin cleavage site; TM, transmembrane anchor of G; A – D, conserved RNA-dependent RNA polymerase motifs. Conserved sites/residues with respect to BDV strain V are shown in black; divergent sites/residues are indicated in red; K32 in P NLS-1 is divergent only in 1034/1322, K35 in NLS-1 and K183 in NLS-2 are divergent only in 1367. S2 and S3, start sites of transcription units 2 and 3, respectively, showing the conserved GAA initiation triplet; T1, T2, and T3, transcription termination sites showing the conserved TA6 consensus sequence; (t6) indicates a nonconserved TA6 sequence found in some BDV isolates. Blue bars indicate the 6 clusters represented by contigs obtained through pyrosequencing. Consensus splice site sequences corresponding to established introns I and II in genes for M and G of BDV strain V are aligned to corresponding sequences of the novel strains.