Volume 15, Number 8—August 2009
Extreme Drug Resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii Infections in Intensive Care Units, South Korea
Clinical characteristics of 8 patients infected with extremely drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates, South Korea*
Strain no. | Patient age/sex | Underlying disease | Infection† | Days before isolation |
Concurrent bacteremia | 30-d outcome | Infection-related death | |
Hospitalized | In ICU | |||||||
07AC–052 | 60 y/F | Acute myeloid leukemia | Pneumonia | 15 | 8 | No | Died | Yes |
07AC–159 | 79 y/M | Lymphoma | Pneumonia | 35 | 9 | No | Died | No |
07AC–192 | 50 y/M | Status postliver transplantation | Pneumonia | 256 | 2 | Yes | Survived | NA |
07AC–204 | 55 y/F | Steven-Johnson syndrome | Pneumonia | 13 | 13 | Yes | Survived | NA |
07AC–336 | 16 mo/M | Medulloblastoma | Pneumonia | 32 | 13 | Yes | Died | Yes |
07AC–347 | 17 mo/M | Hepatoblastoma | Pneumonia | 135 | 28 | No | Died | Yes |
07AC–329 | 1 mo/F | Edward syndrome | Colonization‡ | 33 | 33 | NA | NA | NA |
07AC–063 | 56 y/M | Lung cancer | Colonization‡ | 26 | 21 | NA | NA | NA |
*ICU, intensive care unit; NA, not applicable. All but 1 patient (with strain 07AC–192) had mechanical ventilators. Four patients (with strains 07AC–159, 07AC–192, 07AC–336, and 07AC–063) were immunocompromised hosts who had daily administration of corticosteroid (>20 mg/d of prednisolone or an equivalent drug) during >2 wk and treatment with chemotherapy for an underlying malignancy during 1 month before hospital admission.
†Infection is defined as invasion of the body tissues by microorganisms resulting in disease.
‡Colonization occurs when an agent’s presence in a host does not cause a specific immune response or infection.