Volume 16, Number 5—May 2010
Influenza Outbreaks during World Youth Day 2008 Mass Gathering
Figure 3

Figure 3. Phylogenetic trees illustrating relatedness of hemagglutinin sequences from influenza A (H1N1) (A), A (H3N2) (B), and B/Malaysia-like viruses (C) from pre–World Youth Day 2008 (WYD2008) Australian isolates (●), WYD2008 isolates (†), post-WYD2008 Australian isolates (▲), and related international isolates. Trees were constructed by using maximum-likelihood (DNAml) in PHYLIP. Only bootstrap values >60 are included.
1Current affiliation: University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
2Other members of the World Youth Day Study Group: V. Sintchenko, G.L. Gilbert (Westmead Hospital); N. Komadina, R. Shaw (WHO Collaborating Centre for Influenza):S. Adamson, J. Fizzell (New South Wales Health–Biopreparedness Centre); P.M. Fennell, F. Ba Alawi (Prince of Wales Hospital); S. Corbett, K. Weston, G. Truman, O. Nguyen, J. Paterson, S. Gabriel, C. Moreira, B. Forssman (Sydney West Public Health Unit); M. Cretikos, P. Maywood, V. Bowden, C. Lowbridge (Sydney South West Public Health Unit); and S. Williams, M. Torres, L. Heron (North Sydney Central Coast Public Health Unit).