Romina V. Piccinali
, Delmi M. Canale, Alejandra E. Sandoval, Marta V. Cardinal, Oscar Jensen, Uriel Kitron, and Ricardo E. Gürtler
Figure. Phylogenetic relationships between mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene haplotypes of Triatoma infestans from Argentina and Bolivia. The neighbor-joining tree was constructed by using MEGA 4.1 ( and bootstrap values (based on 1,000 replications) >50% are shown above the branches. A Bayesian maximum clade credibility tree was similar, and clade posterior probabilities >50% are shown below the branches of the neighbor-joining tree. MRBAYES 3.1 ( default priors were assumed and run for 4 million generations. Convergence of the Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis was investigated with the SD of split frequencies and diagnostics implemented in AWTY ( The model of evolution (Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano + invariable sites+ Γ [HKY + I + Γ]) was chosen with Mrmodeltest 2.3 ( Because MEGA 4.1 does not support HKY; the more inclusive Tamura-Nei method ( was used for the neighbor-joining analysis. Haplotypes al, an, ao, ap, aq, at, au, ax, az, aaa, and aab are reported. DNA sequences are available in GenBank (accession nos. EF451005-EF451041, FJ439768, FJ811845–8, and GQ 478993–GQ 479005). *Two provinces in Argentina; †Tarija, Bolivia; ‡10 provinces in Argentina. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site.