Volume 16, Number 7—July 2010
Geographic Differences in Genetic Locus Linkages for Borrelia burgdorferi

Figure. A) Bayesian and maximum-likelihood phylogenetic inference of outer surface protein C (ospC) gene sequences and B) concatenated multilocus sequence typing (MLST) sequences of Borrelia burgdorferi. Sequences were aligned by codon. Labels at the tips refer to ospC alleles (A) or MLST (ST) and linked ospC alleles (B; Table). Consensus phylograms were the output of the MrBayes version 3.1.2 algorithm (http://mrbayes.csit.fsu.edu). There were 500,000 generations with the first 1,000 discarded. Nodes with posterior probabilities of >0.5 are indicated by values above the branches. Below the branches are integer values for nodes with support of >500 of 1,000 bootstrap iterations of the maximum-likelihood method, as carried out with the PhyML 3.0 algorithm (www.atgc-montpellier.fr/phyml). For both data sets and both algorithms, the models were general time reversible with empirical estimations of the proportions of invariant sites and gamma shape parameters. Scale bars indicate genetic distance. GenBank accession numbers for sequences are given in the Appendix Table.