Volume 7, Number 1—February 2001
Outbreak of West Nile Virus Infection, Volgograd Region, Russia, 1999

Figure. Phylogenetic trees based on nucleic sequence data of E-glycoprotein gene fragment of 165 bp. The trees were constructed with the program CLUSTAL by using the Neighbor Joining method of Saitou and Nei with bootstrapping. Tree is rooted by using Japanese encephalitis sequence as an outgroup. The designation of isolates corresponds to that in publications (5,10), where details of isolate history are given. Alignments used for analysis are available upon request from the authors. WN virus strains used in phylogenetic analysis. WN-Volgograd-1999-1 = human brain tissue from female patient, Volgograd, Russia, GenBank accession # AF239988 (E gene fragment) and #AF239990 (NS5 gene fragment); WN-Kenya-1998 = strain KN3829 isolated from Culex univittatus, # AF146082; WN-Senegal-1993 = strain SEN-ArD93548 isolated from Culex neavei, # AF001570; WN-Romania-1996M = strain RO97-50 isolated from Culex pipiens pool, # AF260969; WN-New-York-1999F = strain NY99-flamingo382-99 isolated from Bronx Zoo flamingo 1999, # AF196835; WN-New-York-1999H = strain HNY1999 isolated from total human brain RNA, # AF202541; WN-Azerbaijan-1967 = isolated from a bird, # AF241822 (NS5 gene fragment); WN-Azerbaijan-1970 = strain A-72 isolated from a tick Ornitodorus coniceps, # AF241821 (NS5 gene fragment) and # AF237564 (E gene fragment); WN-Romania-1996H = strain RO96-1030 isolated from human CSF, # AF130363; WN-Egypt-1951 = strain Eg101, #AF260968; Kunjin-Aust-1960 = Kunjin virus MRM61C, # D00246; WN-Nigeria = West Nile virus, # M12294 and #NC_001563.
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