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Volume 8, Number 11—November 2002
Tuberculosis Genotyping
Tuberculosis Genotyping Network, United States

Identifying the Sources of Tuberculosis in Young Children: A Multistate Investigation

Sumi J. Sun*Comments to Author , Diane E. Bennett†, Jennifer Flood*, Ann M. Loeffler*, Steve Kammerer†, and Barbara A. Ellis†
Author affiliations: *California Department of Health Services, Berkeley, California, USA; †Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA;

Main Article

Table 1

Factors associated with identifying source patients for culture-confirmed tuberculosis in children <5 years of agea

Characteristics Suspected sources identified
n=57 (%) No suspected
source identified
n=45 (%) Relative risk
(95% CI) p value
Age ≤2 yrsb 44 (77) 20 (45) 1.96 (1.23 to 3.12) 0.001
Female 30 (53) 21 (47) NS
Race/ethnicity NS
Black, non-Hispanic 26 (46) 19 (42)
Hispanic 23 (40) 12 (27)
Asian 5 (9) 11 (24)
White, non-Hispanic 1 (2) 3 (7)
Native American or Alaskan Native 2 (4) 0 (0)
Foreign-bornc 1 (2) 7 (16) 0.21 (0.03 to 1.31) 0.02
Type of disease NS
Pulmonary only 40 (70) 30 (67)
Extrapulmonary only 5 (9) 8 (18)
Pulmonary and extrapulmonary 12 (21) 7 (16)
Provider typed NS
Health department 17 (31) 10 (23)
Private provider 18 (33) 21 (49)
Both 20 (36) 12 (28)
Directly observed therapye 46 (85) 28 (68) NS
Drug-resistant isolatef 6 (11) 8 (16) NS

aNS, not significant; CI, confidence interval.
bAge at start of treatment. Excludes one child whose date of treatment was unknown.
cExcludes one child whose birthplace was unknown.
dExcludes four children whose provider type was unknown.
eCompared to patients on self-administered therapy.
fDrug resistance on initial testing of isolate; resistance to at least one of the following: isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, pyrazinamide, streptomycin, and ethionamide. Testing results for one or more drugs could have been unknown or not done. Excludes two children for whom drug-susceptibility testing was not done.

Main Article

Page created: July 19, 2010
Page updated: July 19, 2010
Page reviewed: July 19, 2010
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