Volume 10, Number 1—January 2004
Ecologic and Geographic Distribution of Filovirus Disease
Virus, location, dates, geographic coordinates, and literature citation for filovirus-caused hemorrhagic fever occurrences
Virus | Country | Apparent origin | Dates | Latitude | Longitude | Reference |
Ebola Ivory Coast | Cote d’Ivoire | Tai National Park | Nov. 1994 | 5.850 5.900 | -7.367 -7.317 | (7,24) |
Ebola Ivory Coast | Cote d’Ivoire or Liberia | Plibo (Liberia) | Dec. 1995 | 4.589 | -7.673 | (25) |
Ebola Sudan | Sudan | Nzara | June–Nov 1976 | 4.643 | 28.253 | (3) |
Ebola Sudan | Sudan | Nzara | July–Oct 1979 | 4.643 | 28.253 | (4) |
Ebola Sudan | Uganda | Gulu | Oct 2000–Feb 2001 | 2.783 | 32.300 | (26) |
Ebola Zaire | DRC | Yambuku | Sept–Oct 1976 | 2.817 | 22.233 | (2) |
Ebola Zaire | DRC | Bonduni | June 1977 | 2.967 | 19.350 | (10) |
Ebola Zaire | Gabon | Minkebe, | Dec 1994–Feb 1995 | 1.733 | 12.817 | (8) |
Mekouka, | 1.400 | 12.983 | ||||
and/or Andock | 1.483 | 12.917 | ||||
Ebola Zaire | DRC | Kikwit | Jan–Jul 1995 | -5.058 | 18.909 | (11) |
Ebola Zaire | Gabon | Mayibout | Feb 1996 | -1.117 | -13.100 | (8) |
Ebola Zaire | Gabon | Booue | Jul 1996–Mar 1997 | -0.100 | -11.95 | (8) |
Ebola Zaire | Gabon and DRC | Ekata | Dec 2001–2002 | 0.706 | 14.275 | (12) |
Marburg | Zimbabwe | Wankie?a | Feb 1975 | -18.367 | 26.483 | (6) |
Marburg | Kenya | Nzoia or Mt. Elgon | Jan 1980 | 0.450 | 34.617 | (19) |
Marburg | Kenya | Mt. Elgon? | 1987 | 1.133 | 34.550 | (20) |
Marburg | DRC | Durba | Apr 1999–Sept. 2000 | 3.117 | 29.583 | (27–29) |
aReported location where patient received a “bite.” Although some investigators felt the disease was related to the bite, the patient had traveled widely in Zimbabwe and parts of South Africa and was exposed to wildlife at several locations in Zimbabwe (6).
DRC, Democratic Republic of the Congo; WHO. World Health Organization.
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1Although filovirus taxonomy undergoes frequent revision, we follow nomenclature most recently established by the International Committee of Taxonomy of Viruses in 2002. Filoviruses consist of two genera. The genus Marburgvirus contains one species, Lake Victoria marburgvirus, with several recognized strains, and Ebolavirus contains four species: Ivory Coast ebolavirus, Reston ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, and Zaire ebolavirus. For simplicity, we refer to the viruses using the unitalicized vernacular (e.g., Ebola Zaire). We use “Ebola viruses” to refer in general to members of Ebolavirus and “Marburg viruses” to refer in general to members of Marburgvirus. The diseases caused by filoviruses are termed Ebola hemorrhagic fever (HF; diseases caused by Ebola viruses) and Marburg HF (diseases caused by Marburg viruses).