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Volume 10, Number 3—March 2004

Laboratory Analysis of Tularemia in Wild-Trapped, Commercially Traded Prairie Dogs, Texas, 2002

Jeannine M. Petersen*Comments to Author , Martin E. Schriefer*, Leon G. Carter*, Yan Zhou*, Tara Sealy*, Darcy Bawiec*, Brook Yockey*, Sandra Urich*, Nordin S. Zeidner*, Swati Avashia†, Jacob L. Kool*, Jan Buck‡, Connie Lindley‡, Leos Celeda§, John A. Monteneiri*, Kenneth L. Gage*, and May C. Chu*
Author affiliations: *Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA; †Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; ‡Texas Dept of Health, Arlington, Texas, USA; §State Veterinary Administration, Prague, Czech Republic

Main Article

Table 2

Comparison of diagnostic sensitivities of culture and direct fluorescent assay (DFA) for detection of Francisella tularensis in live versus dead prairie dogs (groups A–C)

Prairie dogsa No. (%) of samples positive for:
Culture (spleen/liver) Direct fluorescence (spleen/liver) Direct fluorescence (lymph node) Serologic testing
Groups B, C; live, infected animals 
(n = 20)
20 (100)
10 (50)
17 (89.5)b
10 (50)
Group A, dead animals
(n = 47) 40 (85.1) 47 (100) Not tested Not tested

aAll 67 prairie dogs tested positive for F. tularensis by at least one diagnostic test (culture, DFA, or serologic testing).
b19 F. tularensis–positive animals were tested.

Main Article

Page created: February 08, 2011
Page updated: February 08, 2011
Page reviewed: February 08, 2011
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